This place caters to the medical professionals near by and it shows. The food is on the same level as hospital food. Cheap microwave bacon and egg patties on dry toast as a breakfast sandwich FOR $12. There's more style than substance here. The place is cute, well decorated and welcoming. The two folks working were friendly and engaging. But paying nearly $30 for a breakfast sandwich and burrito? Nah....
I dug in to the history of the place and found out it's a "daddies money" situation. The owner of the building set this up for their kid. If this is what they pass off as food, they've ever eaten anything that didn't come from a hospital cafeteria or a microwave.
Check back in the future though, they let me know their menu is changing next week and I'm praying it gets better. For now, it's a lot like going to that person's big fancy house on the hill but all they have to eat is Ramen and PB&J's. House rich, food poor.