3 points for my recommendations:
Oh my ..
On my delivery and got extremely hungry. So I decided to pick up starbucks because I was already picking up starbucks for my dasher.
First time and I went with the bacon, egg and cheese burrito I don't know if it was an issue because I wanted it cutting half because I was sharing with my love but anyways long story short, I bid into it and it was disgusting. It tastes like an elementary schoolhouse burrito of some sort. My honey looked at me and didn't even want to try it. He said he went for a nibble of meat, and it tastes weird and looked weird when it ended up bag, seen it up and. I don't know, just tossing it out the window. Or maybe I'm gonna give it to somebody. That's hungry on the streets, just so it doesn't super go to waste. But that was a major waste. Come on, starbucks, you can do so much better not cool.