I love how the place has only been open 1 day and it has 154 reviews. This because it must be the same owner as the one that closed down by Tilly's. This is a brand new location, so getting ratings credit from an old location is pretty cheesy.
As for my bad review, this is based on the total FAIL on the design of automotive traffic in/out. The only way to get in and out of the property is to enter going north on Moorpark Road, so any approach from the north, north east or north west requires you to drive all the way down to Columbia Road and do a u-turn. When you leave, it's also a joke, especially if you need to head south on Moorpark Road. I can't wait to see the traffic cluster-f--- when people try this maneuver during the day when traffic is heavy. I assume that the plan was that most of the money would be made from TO High School because the only convenient way in and out of the Starbucks is on foot.