Walked in on a random Tuesday morning with nothing but my sister, my bag, and a quest to get things for our road trip. We wandered the grocery store, completing the list and grabbing a few extra things.
Soon I’d gotten everything except for one thing, my father’s plantain chips. It was the one thing he requested for this trip and I’d be damned if I wasn’t going to find them. I left my sister to her devices in her snack aisle and went down about three aisles before I heard “Do you need help looking for something?” by one of my saviors. I told him of my quest and off we went to the produce section, we found my second and third saviors there, but no plantain chips. One of them went on their own to look through the aisles as the other two lead me to a section where they thought it could be. It was not, they asked my fourth savior if she had any idea where they could be and she began leading us to an area where they might’ve been. Along the way my fifth and final savior asked if they needed help finding something, to which they relayed the situation, he also went off in search of these fabled plantain chips. We’d circled the store three times when at long last we found them, the myths were real. As I thanked the three that were with me, the two that had gone off on their own came back as well. I will never forget what those valiant heroes did for me and I ended up buying all three types of plantain chips out of respect for those men and women.
No idea if those five employees were bored, had a lot of time, genuinely wanted to help me, or a combination of all of the above but they’re the best!