We moved in a week ago and are very pleased. The house certainly met our expectations and they kept within our price. We moved in about 3 weeks ahead of schedule. Really know what you want, then specify ALL the details that are must have items. They do have lots of subcontractors working, you should visit very often. If something doesn't look right talk to the stonecrest supervisor. Update: 60+ days after move in we completed a warranty items list. They got right on it and completed them with no haggling. We are still very happy with our home.
Truly horrible. Fortunately I didn't build my home with them. However, several of my neighbors did. They are unbelievably rude, noisy, dirty, and downright dangerous. They leave trash to blow around every day, play music loudly at all hours, have screaming matches onsite, and burn trash onsite. Complaints to their office do absolutely NOTHING. The other two builders working in this neighborhood did not behave this poorly.
I can't speak to the quality of their construction. They do use slab on grade instead of a crawlspace foundation. Cheap for them. Difficult for the owner to remodel or repair. Something to consider.
Speaking to my neighbors who did build with them, they said that Stonecrest takes significantly longer to complete than they claim to. At this point in time, Stonecrest is the only builder left building in this neighborhood. The other two builders were finished months and months ago.
With so many good builders in this area, I would reconsider.