Tengan cuidado, porque son estafadores y oportunistas, ofrecen ayudarte y te cobran cantidades exageradas de dinero y no cumplen con lo ofrecido:. Adoptan una actitud despota o se hacen victimas y ofendidos.para evadir sus abusos En resumen es una oficina donde se desarrollan actividades ilicitas. Espero que las autoridades locales y estates lo puedan Someter a investigaciones ; ademas se anuncian con grandes rotulos publicos que a la vista da la apariencia de UN negocio Solido y transparente; tengan cuidado de ellos.
Be careful, because they are scammers and opportunists, they offer to help you and charge you exaggerated amounts of money and do not comply with what they offer:. They adopt a despotic attitude or become victims and offended. To avoid their abuses In short, it is an office where illicit activities are carried out. I hope that the local authorities and estates can submit it to investigations ; They are also advertised with large public signs that give the appearance of a solid and transparent business; take care of them.