CJ fusion7 days agoFrom
To tesla: why not build some in green valley? By Costco or Safeway . More and
More People buying telsa. Please build 10 —20 250kw in green valley Fairfield thanks
Jerry Ham7 days agoFrom
V2 charger shows it's age, especially now that it tends to be full on the weekends. We were directed to it by the navigation and it was full when we arrived. Only had a 2 minute wait, but even with a preconditioned battery at 13%, we only got 72 kW due to pairing on these old V2 chargers. A V3 charger is built and almost ready to open across the street, so try that one preferentially over this site.
Michael Martin7 days agoFrom
Easy off and on from I-5, particularly going West. The Marriott has nice bathrooms. And in-n-out is very close too.