With the unexpected necessity and the high probability of needing a litigating attorney, my brother and I went on the search, for what we hoped would be, an aggressive litigator and not a legend in his/her own mind! An additional condition was that the litigator would need to appear in court outside SLO County. We first interviewed three trust/probate attorneys. Have you ever interviewed will/trust/probate attorneys? Molecularly and detrimentally lack of aggression. All three told us court would never rule in our favor. Then we were referred to the best of the best in SLO! After reviewing our filing (I had started process) they opinionized that we had a case. And, that they do not appear outside SLO!! But... they wanted to refer me to firms that do. That office seemed to be stuck on one of three; The Baily Law Firm. Our in person interview was with Jonas Baily. My bother and I were impressed. He didn't stop asking questions or listening until the three of us were certain that "he gets it"! And he did get it! He prevailed. Not only did we get reimbursed the monies that had been absconded, the respondent settled including attorney fees. I was the "go to". I was, am still, very impressed with the firm. In addition to the attorney's skills and personality, the support assistants were wonderful. Always returned calls, emails, etc.This was an intra-family matter. All showed and maintained empathy and were perfectly professional. Toby Bellocchi