Honestly. Great place. This Rehab is like a new born baby and is still learning and getting better. I understand why some people give it low ratings and bad reviews. You can't just listen to a review. Reviews are opinions and everyone has them. They will review this place negatively just because a staff member told them that they have to clean up after themselves in phase 3.They will get a positive score on a drug test and act like they have no idea why. They might have had a bad attitude that wasn't open to recept new ideas and concepts.
I went for myself, talked to a therapist for the first time ever. Awareness changing, and mind cleansing. There is a counselor there named Zhuzhi, she is the most loving and understanding soul I have ever met. I would tell her stories and she would tear up. She is on another plain of awareness. Honestly just go and take a really nice break from your phone, laptop, work, responsibilities and just the really unimportant stuff in life. You ll still get to see your family of course.
The last and most important They will take you to places like AA and NA. Keep your mind very open and do not judge anyone there. If you do not like the programs, that's understandable, but they have saved many lives. The thing is though you have to create a program for yourself. You are you and you know in your heart what is best and realistic for you. I say in your heart because you have to find that love for yourself, which will make you think clearly. Just be open to everything. SMART meetings are new but have helped many people as well. ( By the way if you are young and have problems with alcohol you must be very fluid about everything, because being to rigid will make you snap, Just know that you have bad habits and that you have to figure out how to replace them)
All Respect and Love to the people that have made a mark, might misspell some names :( Barbara :) was like a mama to me, always love you, Lacey the sweetest, funniest, wittiest, and coolest chic I have ever met, Jeff WHITE your voice and wisdom will forever be stuck in my head, Zhuzhi( I could say a lot and a lot) but thank you for everything, Red Hair Lacey from the front desk just a cool person to be around and chat if you are ever needing a break from the program she is a real one, Anna the nurse from phase 1 is a legend and dope as hell as person to relate with, Also the blond nurse from phase 1, her name I could never put together Sacagawea hahahahah ( sorry I feel awful) Christine my therapist who was great and our relationship was not like friends but almost as colleagues on a job to save my mind, Juliana the director is the person that will smell through excuses and cook you up a remedy to look honestly at yourself, she is very smart and try's very hard everyday to juggle everything, if you are so lucky to get on her radar Juliana will challenge you and make you stronger and better in the process, Big thanks to Johnny( he started to work at phase 3 when I left) but genuine, understanding and will give himself to everyone that needs help , Also Jason from phase 2 is quite but has wisdom to learn from and if he feels that you are the right group he will share the lessons he has learned, very good man plus an OG on the waves, Jessica from phase 2 is awesome and will keep you on track towards your goal, is very understanding and responsive person, Wink is super chill and laid back will make you feel like you are just visiting him at his house I wish him the best with everything, There is also Cody the ping pong master, seriously he is too good I don't get it,
Well just a general thank you and peace to all who make this place happen.
Remember you are going to change your life only by changing from within. And remember SMILE.