The one photo that I still have from when Xena was getting her 2 week board and training. I cried when I seen this picture. The reason for this is that I had no clue what the true meaning of stay really was.
The second set of pictures was a few months after her training and she did not attack a single chicken. But she has licked them and protected them from crows. The third set of pictures is when Xena and moose played. This was the very first time for Moose playing with another dog.
For the last 2 years this has been a great journey for Xena and myself because she acts like a dog and her behavior is 1000 times better then most children that I have know or meet.
From what I have been told Moose had been aggressive towards other dogs. This
This was possible from all of the staff at Icare K9. Thank you all.