we purchased our first lot in timberlakes 18 years ago on the frog pond. we camp here every weekend year round. we are delighted to see many lots develop and are currently being used every weekend.we are vey patient with a little noise, late night partying, hooting and hallering that comes with camping. but what we experienced this Saturday night on agust 15-2015 bordered insanity. a group of 12 campers from the agate road side of the pond around the ages of 25-30 decided to bring there 357's and ak=47's. after drinking all day they decided to fire there weapons with live ammo into the pond water, air and neighboring hillside. two other group's of campers called the sheriff. the sheriff came out and to our bewildermint, told the young group that it was o.k. to fire there weapons as long as they did it responsibly. .was this the mason county village idiot, just wearing a badge? we want to know from this brialiant professor where do these bullets fall when fired into the sky? are there people in there houses behind the hillside he says it is safe to fire into? can a live round hit the water or rock under the water and come my direction where my wife and myself are standing? we camp here with my children and grandchildren, and this crosses the line of insanity. I want answers and I want answers now. we have a no discharge of firearms ordiance here. I find that the men who we put our trust in to protect us are just as stupid as the young village idiots firing the live weapons. I am outraged. I am pissed off and I will not stand for this. I appeal to all of timberlakes community to call our president and demand answers. I wangt to know who this group was. I want to know who this sheriff was, I want to know that our leader in our community also dose not find these activities acceptable. I want to know that when I fall asleep at night that I will wake up in the morning and not just be another gun accident.i want to know that my grandchildren are safe as we camp here and enjoy the beauty here at the lakes. I want this madness to cease. I want the sheriff to man up and protect the citizens of timberlake. please give all of us the answer we need to hear, and show us in action.
DON'T BUY in Timberlakes. Covenant's board and employees are above the law. employee has several rule and by laws problems with his home and the covenant has known about them for months and nothing has been done. but some home owner has a few pine needles on her roof and she has 10 days or? to clean it off or she will receive a $100.00 fine and it will go up after that. our HMO dues pays the employees wages and an employee has been seen on several occasions at one of his properties taking care of personal business while on the clock. Hard to keep board members because they don't want a change to the good. Raising our dues and water so they can foolishly spend it. not even trying to cut back in places. OH thats right it's not they're money
Let me first point out that the address listed on this listing is not Timberlake’s HOA official “address”, more likely a property owners private residence. The other listing (Timberlake Community Club Inc) that has “2880 E. Timberlake Dr. West” as the address is in fact the legitimate listing. Though the website mentioned on both listings has official Timberlake site listed.
I currently reside in the community. Though the community does have some weak spots, the HOA isn’t really one of them. Weak spots are often unruly members (especially renters) don’t like to abide by the rules and often are discourteous of others that live in the community. I’ve been in some really bad HOAs, where security was nil (and yet we paid for security got nothing to show for it, we lived in gang territory). The amount that you pay in ANNUAL dues here in Timberlake’s is the same amount I use to pay MONTHLY for the other HOAs. Everything they promised in the other HOAs weren’t upheld 90% of the time. We didn’t have parks, we didn’t have lakes (hell one place offered a pool that remained closed off and empty for the ten years I lived there), Members didn’t get to vote on anything (in fact the others used a HOA management company which didn’t require members votes or so they claimed), we didn’t have Activities committee that offers free events (BBQs, ice cream socials, cook-offs), contests, and Holiday parades. It isn’t perfect, I’ll admit, but Timberlake’s was once mishandled so badly, it’s currently taking the current HOA board nearly 2 1/2 years to clean it up and they are still taking the brunt from members that were left feeling bitter and resentful by the prior board. FYI, I do not and have not ever served as a board member but am friends with board members. I have been around enough HOA’s to spot a really bad one and Timberlake’s ain’t one of them. More people need to volunteer on the committees and apply for the board, especially if they can offer fresh opinions and eventually realize it’s not just about them, but about all Timberlake residents. And in regards to rules being enforced, HOA hands are often legally tied and aren’t allowed to physically enforce most of them. They can take complaints, write up warnings, and give a fine if it’s proven that their previous warnings weren’t heeded. But there are some rules that can only be enforced by Law Enforcement, particularly in regards to animal control.