Many places bill themselves as dual diagnosis treatment centers but rarely live up to expectations. This was the sixth treatment center I've been to in the past five years, but the first one that truly addressed the mental health side of things in an effective and thorough manner.
I did their full three month outpatient program in west Los Angeles. During that time, I cultivated a great working relationship with my therapist, attended a wide breadth of groups led by qualified professionals who knew what heck they were talking about, and saw a psychiatrist who actually listened & talked to me like I was a real person.
I gained so much insight and healing from their holistic approach to recovery. I even got EMDR therapy as a part of my treatment (would personally recommend this modality for trauma and PTSD).
From the top down, the staff are a lovely bunch of people. I won't name them here, but they know who they are :)
I'm so grateful for my time at The Heights!! I believe it was the first time I left treatment equipped for long term success on my recovery journey.