With the upcoming vote on Initiative 976 WASDOT is blanketing airwaves with Television adds trying to instill fear in voters. Images of policewoman, construction workers stating your roads and bridges won’t be safe. I-976, the $30 car tab vote, IMO represents the public’s distrust of fundraising for projects such as ST-3, the coveted Light Rail project. Car registration fees for automobiles rose as much as 280% for vehicles less than 10 years old and somewhat less for cars older than 10 years. Car valuation is based on MSRP of the car when it was new, not what you paid or Fair Market Value. State Legislators of both parties are ultimately responsible because they voted the current valuation system into law. WASDOT has many sources of funding but the low hanging fruit here is your tax dollars. ST-3 alone will keep collecting the high auto registration fees well into the 2030’s. A vote of “YES” to I-976 will force legislators to take action and seek alternative sources of funding for WSDOT projects. Currently Washington residents can’t invest in Washington thru a State Infrastructure Bond program. Wow, what a novel idea! Pay Washington investors 3-5% for investing in a Washington bond program. The best way for change is to “TAKE AWAY THE MONEY”. Please vote “YES” on I-976. Also is your TAX $$ being used to fund these TV ads?