I had been playing guitar for a few years before I started with Travis...
Practicing every day, following online courses, and watching countless hours of lessons on YouTube.
I was making steady progress, could learn at least SOME version of just about any song, and was playing solos out of the basic pentatonic shapes.
Then one day I decided to give Travis a try...
Within the first 10 minutes he had already corrected 2 bad habits (both my vibrato and bending were a bit out of tune). Easy enough to correct, but it made a world of difference... and more importantly, it would have taken me months, maybe even years to notice on my own.
I realized right then and there that I still had a LOT to learn... and I was hooked.
At the end of the day, learning the guitar can be hard... but it's night and day easier with the help of a great instructor. Someone who's done it himself, taught it to others, and put in the hard work to become a truly amazing musician.
Travis is all of that and more.
Part instructor, part coach, and always enthusiastic, I've learned more in 4 months with Travis than I did in all of those years playing alone... all the while having more fun than ever.
I'm now playing over chord changes, seeing shapes all over the neck, and making music that ACTUALLY sounds like music.
It seems like Travis can play any style... he's taught me some funk, some country, and some jazz... and he's got a great answer to any question you throw at him - no matter how crazy.
One more thing I love about working with Travis - he'll help you design a practice plan so you can get the most "bang for your buck," and then get back to the real reason we do this... playing, making, and sharing great music.
Bottom line: whether you want to learn your first song or become a professional musician, you'll get there faster with a great instructor... and I can not recommend Travis enough.