This company doesn't care about their tenants. They just acquired our apartments two monts ago. Our rent used to be $1,650.00 a month ago and now just when up over $2,000 without any renovation. Lights are out on the rear parking area. Homeless people are always roaming and breaking into cars. But firts thing liz lee management property does is hike the monthly rent. All they care is about their money. How that people supposed to have a place to l live if your monthly income is $3,000 but you have to pay a rent that is over $2,000 and you still have bills to pay like utilities, car insurance, internet service, groceries, gas for your car, etc etc. company like this doesn't really care about tenants because they never take in consideration tenants incomes. All they care for is for their money and contribute to create more homelessness in Santa Barbara county because pretty soon people will not be able to afford the rent any longer because companies like LizLee property Management don't care about their tenants income.