I was very disappointed because I thought I would walk out of the session with exercises to help me reduce strain on my voice. Instead, I felt like the therapist didn't understand my issue and told me things from basic web searches on LPR or dysphonia.
We did the evaluation which was just sort of a baseline since I wasn't strained in the moment and it isn't constant. It also wasn't really reflective of the situations in which I have issues (stress, work). Then I spent the session with the therapist reviewing aloud a handout from the internet (google UNC Vocal Hygeine) which the therapist said they didn't know the meaning of one of the items. As a result, I got the impression it was the first time the therapist had thoroughly read the handout. The therapist said we will get to the exercises, which I thought meant before the end of the session, but we never had the time. I was very upset because the issue has prevented me from talking to my friends and family as much as I would like and caused me to have to take off work when I need vocal rest. I'll just continue straw exercises from YouTube.
I was quoted $130 per 30 minute session. I wish I had interrupted the session and asked to skip to the exercises. I feel very upset.