I bought a device sometime in April, I’ve bought this particular brand many times before and they usually last me well over a year. I was charging it and the light just went out and nothing I tried would get it to come back on. It is July 4th today so I’ve literally had the device probably 2.5 months 3 at most, I’m also a long time customer. Apparently none of that matters over corporate's greedy policy.
I called them over the phone to see when purchased and if there was anything that could be done. I was offered a 10% discount on my next purchase …. I explained how I just got this thing and that would probably literally save 3$ at most. She said to come in and we’d see what we could do.
So that’s exactly what I did. Only to be met by someone else who basically said there’s nothing we can do for you. This is some shady practice. Apparently corporate does not care about long term customers. Nor do they care if your device ends up being faulty.
I live paycheck to paycheck, have two kids and not much money to stretch me until next Friday, I can’t afford to spend my money at a place like this. A place that doesn’t stand by their product or their customers.
This is my favorite vapor lounge location, the people here go above and beyond great customer service. Big thank you to Fox, and Zoey for saving me a trip into Spokane by checking the inventory at other stores. You guys are the best!