ALL Unprofessional Especially the Enforcement Officers Picking on little old ladies and disabled people., They love getting new victims and then harassing and fining them for ANYTHING even AFTER your done doing what they say, even if ALL your neighbors are in the wrong, if they pick you, you are screwed.. These people have SPECIAL friends all over the city that they leave alone, They are not good wholesome people, they are a MAFIA OF THUGS who do as they please, NO regulations, Corruption behind closed doors, Where is all the money at? Someone needs to crack down on the organization. They Pick & Choose victims. Then they are too scared to go to certain houses, they only pick on little old ladies. This Secretary is a block of of wood, ignorant of all rules, and does not seem to be able to remember anything, or take direction well, no point in asking her anything, and Officers are ALWAYS either at a meeting, "off this week", or on a lunch break, which is at least 3 hours long, glad my taxes are going to these stooges.......The sickening part is that they have 100% of the Law on their side, they have the ultimate power to potentially ruin your life, take away your house, put you in debt, Make your pets disappear, put you in jail. TRUE: look it up, HOA/C.O. is all powerful, you cannot fight them, look online, they have done so much wrong all over the country, jailing senior citizens, making people spent hundreds, even thousands of dollars , and forbidding folks from basic home owner rights, very disturbing indeed......Oh and they are biased, if you are a friend or family, consider yourself safe for life, you will NEVER be bothered by them. They have told me straight face that anyone can get away with anything until someone calls it in regardless if they see it with their own eyes....