I am grateful for Rick Staddon because he is changing my physical and mental relationship with exercise.
After losing 115 pounds, I worked with a few trainers who were helpful, but didn’t they show me a true, sustainable path. I was looking for a program that would continually incentivize me. Rick has designed an environment that fosters fitness success. Let me explain-
When Rick walked me thru the details on the program and price, I was skeptical. I’d not met a trainer who promised results from only 30 minutes, twice a week. It felt like the time was too short for the investment.
I have worked out with Rick for a few months now—and realize that I was wrong. The value he provides is far greater than the cost of a session.
When you work out with Rick—you aren’t paying for the 30 minutes in his private gym—you’re paying for his nearly 30 years of experience. The difference makers are that his weight machines are state-of-the-art and Rick makes sure you are properly performing each repetition—You will feel the difference the first time he straps you in (almost like you are heading to the moon!). Unlike the gym, there are no distractions and the focus is on slow and steady execution of each individual exercise.
Side note: Rick’s ability to coach through “the pain” of each exercise to get you to the endorphin party happening at the end of the half-hour is probably my favorite part.
In his book Atomic Habits, James Clear writes about the radical difference making a 1% improvement has on your overall success. RIck shows me exactly how the 1% rule translates to my fitness journey. He’s figured out the biggest obstacle to maintaining a fitness routine—by making it bite-size—and that is what’s making a difference in my daily life. Rick is well-studied and always willing to share information that will make me better.
I’m sleeping better, have significantly more energy, and people think I’m taller because I am improving my posture. (That’s worth the price of admission alone)! What’s more, I’m actually getting stronger. Who knew?
Thank You Rick!
David R. Christie