To be fair, this is but one branch of a rotten corporation. (Don't believe me, check the historic ruling on their deliberately selling mortgages to people whom they KNEW couldn't afford them.)
That said, my issue is VERY specific.
TWO TIMES now, since July, 2021, they have declared an elderly relative under my care as DEAD. The second time, to add insult to injury, was on that relative's birthday.
There should not have been a first time, let alone a second time. They had no Death Certificate, etc. Back in June-July, while trying to help this relative, who has mobility issues, I just sat, dumbfounded, across the desk from the branch manager at the Anaheim branch while he showed me a screen that had my relative tagged as deceased.
Then, I learned two things. First, this happens SO OFTEN, apparently, that Wells Fargo has created their own form, Certificate of Declaration of Life, to address their own mistake. Secondly, it was going to be out of MY money to hire a notary to do this form. I am on a fixed income, caring for a relative on a fixed income. This is a multinational, billion dollar corporation, and they nickeled and dimed me over THEIR mistake. I'd love to insert a ripe profanity here, but I want this to go to print!
Even so, back in July, I did all the footwork, including having to pay a notary to come out to the medical facility where my relative had landed after a medical emergency, just so I could try to help them pay their bills and keeping them safe, by proving that they were, yes, alive. Stupid bank. I did everything I was supposed to on my relative's behalf, and, irritating though it was, I thought that was that.
Nope, this past week, on THEIR BIRTHDAY, my relative again was told that they were deceased. I sat with the relative on speaker phone with someone from the Estate Security (or something useless and pompous sounding like that) while the phone rep asked my relative all manner of questions to prove that they were, in fact, not communicating from beyond the grave. Holy Hell! Even after 45 minutes of this, we were STILL told that I have to re-fax the notarized form from July, AND I have to bring my relative to a branch this coming week to prove that they are still among the living. Doing this is a challenge at the best of times, because they are in a wheelchair, but having to do this during a pandemic, with a relative who, although vaccinated, is still immunocompromised is straight up B.S.!
SHAME ON YOU, WELLS FARGO. I've also notified my congressional Rep, who, among other things, handles Senior affairs. How DARE YOU make life harder for an elderly patient on a fixed income. I hope that your CEO and higher-ups all have the miserable afterlife that they deserve, AND that their families have to go through this on-Earth hell to do their paperwork when they are dead. (Or maybe they won't really be dead; apparently Wells Fargo can't tell!!!!!!!)
And I wish it were possible to give a 1/2 star or 0 star review.