Leather totes, duffel bags, wallets, and more. This store is a celebration of leather's durability and the importance of using natural materials in a world of fast fashion. The prices are quite inexpensive when you consider they use the highest quality top grain hides and everything is constructed with impeccable stitching. The salesperson told me they have a lifetime warrantee on repairs and conditioning so this isn't just a bag you buy for life, it's something worth passing down.
I purchased a wallet from Will Leather years ago and it provided the functional value I needed in a wallet in the beautiful form it was made in. I also had it monogrammed at the shop which was a nice touch every time I opened the wallet (which was thousands of times). I originally purchased the wallet at the store in NW Portland which is now closed.
Tonight I went into the Bridgeport shop to purchase a new wallet. My wife and I enjoyed talking to Kirstie who was very helpful and provided great service. I have yet to have a negative experience at Will Leather and so far their products have served me well!