We just had a visit from Williard's Pest Control. The technician was completely unprepared and I felt like I had to observe the entire procedure... He arrived without any protective equipment. Not even a mask. He asked about the wasps and the problem areas, which I explained in detail. The wasps were only now and have only ever been a problem at the junction between the fascia and the brick on the front peaked roof area above the front door and the same junction in the area around the upstairs balcony. The technician then proceeded to walk around the perimeter of the house spraying wildly (without a ladder or extended spraying wand) all over the fascia in EVERY area that there has NEVER been a wasp. He even sprayed around a bird house that is currently home to baby birds, endangering their lives. He completely failed to ever retrieve a ladder or spray in ANY of the areas that I had mentioned. Not one. I very clearly pointed them out and asked for confirmation. On top of ALL this, he was also about to spray the ground to kill the ants that don't exist before I stopped him and asked him not to do so. This was a horrifying experience and now the house is totally covered in poison that is only endangering the lives of everyone and everything EXCEPT wasps. I feel concern for the technician, too, since he did all of this without any protective equipment and skin showing everywhere... We still need help with the wasps.