My daughter attended this preschool for the past year. She was in the "town room" and she absolutely loved it. She made many great friends, and the teachers gave her nothing but love and kindness. When she first started, she was very quiet and shy, and didn't want to speak up during circle time or to let someone know she had to use the restroom. Her teachers helped her get out of her comfort zone and is now very talkative with everyone. She learned how to write out her full name, can recognize and write numbers and the letters of the alphabet. My daughter is very picky and she said the food that was served was very yummy. The center is located in the Ballard area, and a few blocks away from the zoo. The area is a nice and quiet, and we didn't have any problems. The teachers are sweet and caring, and do look out for the children. (Guess what, they're children, so it's normal for them to get a scratch or scrap when running around or playing) If you want your kids having fun and learning while you're at work, then this is the place.