These folks have solved and fixed my computer issues many times in the past. I purchased one of their custom builds years ago. Many quality components. Mike and Kara are equally talented. Glad you are still going strong. All the best. RichT
Mike spoke over me at every turn, interrupting me at every turn. I would ask simple yes or no questions then he went on long tangents. He was okay at first but after I bought a new computer instead of his refurbished one, he never treated me the same. He flat out called my laptop several cuss words and he actually yelled at me. He seems to be knowledgeable but his interpersonal skills have much to improve on. He was pretty intimidating and angry. Seems he can't handle his emotions very well. He tried to sell me a refurbished machine that had visible grime from previous owner. You have to meet him at his place of residence at end of gravel road in the woods. He claimed to have "plenty of ammo" on one of his angry tirades.
I don't recommend this place for your PC needs.
Good luck Mike, get well soon.