This place helps our people die in how we are treated like veterinary animals here. I filed formal complaints, I thought two years ago- well my email shows... and then the same people traumatize me two years later forgetting my trauma. Calling me "Honey". Honey is a diminutive or term of endearment wasted on my trauma. Sweetie Pie Chantelle Roberts, you neglected to address my mother's blood clot and refused to acknowledge such! YOU ARE NOT A GOOD DOCTOR. Healers care, you ignore. Thanks for ignoring my trauma Indian Health Services. Thanks for putting hands in my mouth with needles in a pandemic without narrating your actions. Life ain't ASMR I guess. Nope, not when we Yakamas are animals! Go to I.h.s. if you want your mind hurt with trauma. Until things change here- this place is a tragic joke and ain't no one laughing.
I am ashamed to say this is my healthcare.
This is my health uncare.