Sometimes what you don't know can cost you...
Today I contacted this store a few times after seeing the ad on Craig's List regarding a coin operated washer. The salesman assured me he had a stock washer that fit my needs.
After a few calls asking for details, I rented a truck, pulled an employee from his normal tasks, and made the journey to the address given.
The salesman I had spoken with referred me to someone inside, saying this person would "take care of me".
After a few moments of confusion, I was told they would not be able to help me, at least until the next day after they had serviced a used unit not on the showroom floor.
Trying to explain that I had rented a truck, pulled an employee, and driven nearly an hour away from my own business, I seemed to have been met with an increasing level of "almost hostility".All I wanted was to find "some solution beyond nothing"
I tried to remain calm, and would even have accepted a tomorrow delivery, or would not have came to their store if I had known they could not provide the promised unit.
Not a minor thing, we are talking rudeness, and being made to feel this was somehow my fault for actually showing up to buy the washer. AND, there were two ready to go on the floor, but those were suddenly "sold" and I could not even take one with me.
Well anyway, after about 20 minutes of being made to feel like a "second class person", and a false promise of "delivering a different machine" that was vetoed by the person inside, I decided to leave rather than waste more time (mine and my employee).
So , as mentioned at the start, there is "always more to the story". What they never found out, was that this was indeed a test purchase and that I have a "total current need for" and would have been " ready to buy up to 4 or 5 Guest coin-op Washers and Dryers, as well as up to four "oversize commercial washers and dryers" for my hotel staff.
I suppose someone else can have my money now... I would not advise any other business to even try to waste their time here.
Fail... never again here.