Today (09AUG24) is important due me to acknowledge the people and effortsof this particular Costco Warehouse. Yesterday was my delivery date, at a time made by people that aren't on the ground, with real time knowledge and they did the earliest appointment possible. I did everything in my power, including the trucks maximum speed, breaking the speed limit for the entire trip and when I figured out I wouldn't be able to honor that appointment, i called to inform them and ask for a Hail Mary getting there 1 1/2 - 2 hours after. Then tan into truck trouble with a tire off the rim. I called again and spoke with Matt in receivingand informed him that I was now moving and sloths be there within 2 - 2 1/2 hours. He told me it elitism be possible but of i had dispatch reschedule the appointment, I could come early and without making guar see if they could offload me before their closing. We'll, those responsible didn't the rescheduling didn't take it to heart and I was told they some to the main office and was told to come anyway. I arrive and as was discussed, I was turned away and told to return TODAY between 4am and 11am and if they could get to me, they would try, with no guarantees. I came 415am and was told to get at 1030 - 11am because of they could do it, that works be when they knew. I arrived at 1020 and was asked to park while they checked, then given a door and am being offloaded as i type this. The deciding factor on me writing this was Chelby, who came to thank me for not being rude and sympatheticlly apologize for all I went through. The fact that they went above and beyond, tried to ensure my week wasn't wasted, we're professional, courteous empathic, understanding, helpful, etc..... tired with the dozen ornery trips here since 2018 what were very good as well, makes me want to acknowledge them as well as counter any that say bad things. While other drivers may indeed have experienced bad, my guess is, they likely didn't follow a rule or were rude and mean, etc... but I don't want anyone to assume my review means you'll receive the exact same thing either but, they do care and will help of they can. So aside from 2 ladies I don't have the name of, I want to give top scores to Irma on the phone for kind understanding and suggestions.
Matt on the phone for applying extra when not required to help a fellow person in need that feel victim to circumstance.
Chelby for being the icing on an anyway delicious cake and for being a truly decent human rust care enough to go out of her way to talk to me and show gratitude for me not being rude then apologizing due my circumstances, it meant the world and they all helped me beyond measure. Again, readers, don't assume the same outcome but, being nice and professional and no matter how bad the sting, just accepting sometimes, things must happen without being anyone's fault and your night find extra care applied to your situation as well Thank you Everyone and Costco, please acknowledge them by name because they did you proud. James Walsh