What a pig pen! Every aisle had trash on the floor, items strewn about, globby stains and disarray. Many isles had stocking carts with boxes tossed about and no one tending them. Shelves looked like they hadn't been wiped for ages. One shelf had, I think, dried chocolate pudding spilled and dripped about. Entry carpet was filthy and possibly hadn't seen a vacuum for a week! When was the floor last scrubbed?? Gross! Shelves were half stocked. Need a hazard suit to enter.
Not recommended!
The employee's are nice, and helpful every time I go in. I have no complaints with them. Ever time I go in with my mobile scooter I can't get down the aisle because of all the boxes in the aisle. Manager's don't what to spend the extra money to fill the shelves. So they have a cashier's run back and forth from stocking shelves to cashier, while the manager hides in there office. That is why they can't keep people. Locking bathroom doors so the Manager can save money not to have someone clean them. Also the head office also need to replace there signs to. ' Everything is not just a dollar anymore'. That's why this store is going down hill.