Recently I completed the Introduction to Enneagram class taught by Janys Murphy. Through the years I have taken many different classes seeking to understand myself deeper level. This class Enneagram class allowed me to see myself in a true light. Janys gently guides her students to find out for themselves who they are authentically, this process is very empowering and quite honestly freeing. In the past I was never comfortable in my own skin, feeling shame or disappointment because I was not the extroverted smiling person that society expects. Who I discovered is a more deeply feeling person who can relate to others from a place of empathy, I learned how my personality can change with changes in my life, knowing this helps me to see the world around me from a different point of view, from a place where I can stop being the victim, and start living authentically. Janys presents the class material in an engaging and flowing way. One of the parts I enjoyed most was meeting other personality types like myself and sharing our similar struggles and successes. It is wonderful to feel understood and accepted for who you are authentically. If you truly want to l ow who you are and why you so the things you do, take this class and meet your authentic self.