Zero out of five. Don’t ever go when the manager with long blond hair and glasses is working. And how dare you if you go in From 9-10 despite this being the only store in the area of its kind with these extended hours . The manager will follow you around remaining all in your bubble with a red face and hostile demeanor and it’s evident he encourages his other employees in there to do the same. None of them while he’s working anyway show any respect for you as a shopper or a human and something needs to be done. I left all the feedback I have tolerance for at this time through a kohls directly so store and manager go check it out . I seriously drove all the way to Tukwila the other day to go to their store instead to avoid you guys cause you all make Me feel bullied, singled o out and hanged up on and all for what? I have never stolen so what’s the excuse? There IS no excuse For that and there’s not ever going to be especially when your bosses boss gets involved. I deserve respect just as much as anyone else and how dare you guys treat me the way you did it was awful and made me so uncomfortable and my shopping Trip was absolutely miserable. Pardon me for any typos I’m in a hurry and I’m upset right now. Just do better and show respect for your shoppers by allowing them six feet and stop with the sarcasm, staring, repeatedly asking me the same questions which insinuates you think I’m incompetent or stupid or IDEK WHAT you guys think but I just want it to stop this is now the second or third time it’s happens and enough is enough.