Meyer Sign is one of, if not THE, largest sign manufacturing and installation companies in Washington. Meyer Sign has a design department to assist with logo and image placement on a wall, a window or a vehicle. They can custom design a monument, freestanding or architectural signage as well. Meyer has a custom sign shop to build you everything from a custom cabinet to a full sized, internally illuminated, neon or LED freestanding sign with custom graphics. Meyer has a custom vinyl division for vehicle graphics, sign faces and window applications. The vinyl division applies imaging to many law enforcement and fire / emergency vehicles in three counties. How good is the division? In one instance a local police department had a vehicle get side swiped. The police department was able to take the doors from another surplus vehicle and install them on the sideswiped vehicle. The vinyl graphics aligned and MATCHED PERFECTLY! Yeah - he's that good. Meyer Sign also can receive and install your sign package from outside vendors, and counts some pretty big hitters in their rolodex of satisfied customers from supercenter grocery stores to gas station branding to home improvement centers to banks to cell carriers, they've probably worked with them all. Meyer will install in any Washington State city and has even ventured to Oregon and Idaho in the past. You really need to look no further. Meyer Sign & Advertising is the best in the Pacific Northwest.