Kind of bummed.
This appears to be the only store in town that accommodates salt water spa systems. I came in today because I’m a first-time spa owner and am a bit overwhelmed with the basics of balancing the chemicals in my spa, let alone a salt water system. The gentleman who greeted me didn’t seem particularly interested in assisting me and was more keen to return to answering the questions of another patron who appeared to be buying a spa. I would have been more than happy to wait my turn or even return at a more convenient time. He wasn’t unkind or impolite. Just… disinterested… beyond dipping a testing strip in the sample I brought (which was appreciated). He cited an unfamiliarity with my particular spa, told me to call them, and sent me on my way.
I wasn’t there to ask how to operate the spa itself. I was there to figure out how to balance my chemicals, with the intention of developing a relationship with this store, purchase additional chemicals I might have needed, and - down the line - upgrade my spa. I was asking for fundamentally basic instruction (such as: dilute, add this or that chemical to change this level), not which button to push on the spa.
Admittedly, I looked a bit scruffy today and I generally look young for my age. I don’t think I should have to dress like the middle-aged trial attorney that I am to get attentive customer assistance. I hope that’s not the reason I was quickly scooted out, but I’m otherwise racking my brain as to why I wasn’t assisted in a way to cultivate a longer-term customer relationship. Giving a mid- rating because I always believe situations are mendable, recognize that intentions can be misread, and hope my comments are received constructively.