Dog trainer
Petco Dog Training
Petco Dog Training
(909) 335-0842
Customer Reviews
2 Reviews
Domoniquea month ago
From google-logo
Worst experience ever for my 5 month old mini schnauzer. Booked a grooming appointment with him standing there and them seeing him, went back with him a week later for his appointment and they began taking him toward the back when an older heavyset woman with blonde hair stopped the groomer and I was told they couldn't see him because his coat was "too matted" I comb and brush him everyday. Called and took him in to another groomer where he was bathed and trimmed properly (not matted) didn't receive any shaving. If you're too lazy and winded to do your job then maybe grooming isn't for you. Be a professional food tester instead. #sorrynotsorry.
A nonea month ago
From google-logo

Terrible customer service. Needed assistance for 50 minutes, went to the register to inquire, the cashier had zero idea about their products or where to find them. The manager was sitting on a stool near where I was when I asked for help and sat on her but the ENTIRE time. She was asked to help me and said she um might have seen it, but didn't offer to help.

They offered to help me order something online.

Shut the store down and let me order it then.

Rosa Baltazara month ago
From google-logo
Came in to buy my son a hermit crab for his bday and i asked to be helped and a thin younger gal wearing glasses came and she asked me if i was gonna look at the crabs or purchase , i said both. Then i was unsure what kind of water to give the crab n i said i had a question and she looked and me and said something while walking away . No smile to her face or anything ,that is not customer service at all . Never again will i go there and i sure will not recommend this place eaither.