Randy in service = No Service. Premier = liars and waste of time
Took my 2023 company car in for a check engine light. Under warranty. Randy said he would have an update in 5 days.
After 9 days I called Randy, who put me on hold and said the engine light wasn't on anymore. Now anyone who knows anything about cars knows that just because the light is off, doesn't mean the code is cleared.
I told him I understood if the car sat, the outward engine trouble might not be happening, and to keep it for a few more days.
Into week 3, Randy said they took the car on 10min test drives every day and the light's not coming back on.
Obviously they weren't interested in fixing the problem, or assumed I knew nothing about cars and would believe "oh the light is off so the problem is gone!"
When I got the car back, I saw they only put 15 miles more.on the odometer.
Oh and sending me the Serius radio thing just so you can get paid was a nice touch (Note this is sarcasm(
Since then I went to Delillo and my car was fixed in 5 days.