Random questions about my visit. Why are there employees like security coughing without a mask. Signing people in the hospital by grabbing visitors Identification card and handing them back? Why didn’t they have mask there for visitors who care enough to ask for them?
Another question is why was I in an open area, with a camera and staff walking around where the doctor called me to the back to sit? Why was there a camera? When asking for verification and talking about what is going on, where staff and others walking on by are listening and can hear what is going on. Isn’t that a violation of our privacy and a Hippa violation?
Why is this allowed? Why does it seem that I was rush and brushed off as fast as possible?
I have a mass behind my neck, and it seems it I wasn’t dying or struggling enough for the doctor. I should just ignore it. I received a referral to see a surgeon outside the hospital, but nothing else was done, not even an MRI to determine the extent of the issues.
I am having trouble with my left side. I feel issues with my left eye and the left side of my face. When my neck irritates me. I get needle like feeling in my arms and legs. More is going on. But the point is the ER really did nothing but ask me random questions which most of them had nothing to do with why I was there.
I wonder how much they charge to talk and do nothing.