Update: the winco bakery bread is being stocked again, not as much as previous but it is available now.
I really appreciate the prices Winco offers. The employees are usually very helpful. I really like the bulk section. I USED to like the bakery section, because Winco made their own brand of bread, baked locally (not in the store apparently) and I felt it was a healthier and lower cost option. They had double fiber whole wheat, rye bread of various kinds, as well as the usual white bread. Now these are gone. They still carry massive amounts of their own brand of bagels, way too many baked desserts, and a small selection of sourdough, of which only one option is whole wheat. I spoke to someone on staff about it, and apparently what little is left now has increased added sugars, and the changes are only to boost the bottom line. So now I am buying bread I don't really like, when I don't have time to make my own. Sometimes I go to the European Market down the road run by some lovely Ukrainian people, but they run out early in the day and it's a bit expensive. I also learned that "employee owned" is not really true, Winco is just another big corporation like the rest.